
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 76/91
Main activity: Fri - morning rain, web work, Al's, CLW roof scan
Notes: Wonderful dark skies first thing and brought more rain, some heavy for at least an hour - fantastic! Made coffee and started back in on Jo's website until late morning when I switched to Elle's for a bit. As I was mixing cinnamon fat bombs and salad dressing, I heard from Mic (driving back to VA from the Carolinas) ~1150a and we chatted for 55 min. I decided to head to the pool then - hot and sticky but some clouds and a little breeze ... pool felt wonderful, read under the umbrella then until I decided to head back. Heard from Jo that the night scan was still a go despite the morning storms. Did the dishes, got eggs and zucchini ready, made the fat bomb balls w/ a melon baller and then cooked my eggs & zucchini after 2p. Did some more work on Jo's site until I got ready to head out. Left 5p, went to Aldi near Al's first and got the keto clusters they don't have at mine (and several other things). Stop at Al's was kind of surreal. Lots has been removed but much still there and quite a mess. Al wants me to take everything I "want" but there isn't much ... I took the small glass dolphin and an old (heavy) tv tray. From there on to Whole Foods which is very close to the job site. Had time to kill so went thru slowly and got more than expected, spent $45 but got some good sales and Prime discounts. Still showed up at Petsmart/Office Depot early tho Joe and Bob rolled up shortly. Big storm rolled around us, dark and windy but only a few drops and let us finish ... was the quickest job yet I think, was back home just an hr and 1/2 after they arrived, maybe an hour at most on the roof, 2 wet areas. Cool shower and then watched a little tv before I just couldn't stay awake anymore.

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