Eel Tarn

Holiday 8 back blip
We'd decided today would be a hillwalking day if the legs permitted, and also going up might excape the heat for a while.
It was fractionally cooler when we got up, the legs seemed okay so off we went from the campsite. Lovely walk to Eel Tarn, and we did get a breeze when we were into more open country, and then on to Stony Tarn (a couple of families of Canada geese, much to our surprise) and then cross-country and up to Slight Side, a first for me.
Although not one of the big ones it has a nice rocky top, though I had to choose a way up that didn't need 2 hands, and there was a cool breeze - the coolest I'd been for a week! We elected not to go on to Scafell and were glad of the decision later.
Then down by a different way through Catcove, extra  looking back to where we'd been, and then a temporary losing of the path on the way back to the valley.
Across the river and back downstream to the pub for a beer and then the campsite, 11 miles in all. There were a lot of non-bogs but the clegs (horseflies) were a bit of a nuisance in a few places.

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