Clematis vitalba
Old Man's Beard, Traveller's Joy.
Spent some time on the plot, I picked broad beans, peas, lifted more potatoes, gave half a dozen pots of Anemones to Richard & Shirley to plant on their plot, sowed purple sprouting broccoli, mixed salad leaves, & Romaine lettuce to follow on, before driving down to CK.
Stopped off to buy eggs at Pitt Orchard, & met the lovely couple who bought the property from Harry the Thatch. Derek & Sue have moved down from Bedfordshire, they're hoping to sell veggies at the gate, Derek has grafted some of the old cider apples growing in the orchard, with very good success, he makes cider as well. I wish them well.
Kevin strimmed the overgrown grass on the path side early this afternoon. I potted up African violet leaves that have rooted in water, tidied the greenhouse, & got the washing in quick when I felt a couple of spots of rain... False alarm. The rain passed us by.
Just watched Elton perform at Glastonbury. Brilliant performance, shame about his trousers. He needs braces... Or change his tailor. :-)
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