
By RegardsFromEdin

Walk to Granville Island

We walked many many thousands of steps again today passing lots of interesting public art and enjoying the views.

For the 2014 Biennale Gustavo and Otavio Pandolfo turned the grey silos on Granville Island into colourful 'Giants'.  

The Inukshuk Monument at English Bay beach is an ancient symbol of Inuit culture traditionally used as a landmark but also represents hospitality and friendship. 

Engagement by Dennis Oppenheim was commissioned for the 2005 Beinnale.  The two 'rings' are 30 feet tall. 

We ended the day at 'Bard on the Beach'.  This was a most unusual production of Shakespeare's play 'As You Like It'.   Set in the 1960s and  staged as a musical peppered with twenty four Beatles songs!  It was a fabulous throughout.  Great acting.  Very funny. 

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