Another night

A lively night on the station.  One man, stood firmly and angrily in shot because it was ‘his right’. No one could persuade him to move, although he spent a long time remonstrating with an extra playing a policeman.  This happens frequently when filming in a public place but this person, though lucid,  clearly had mental health issues, and the crew were kind and polite.  Eventually real police turned up  but we’d changed the shot by then.  

Lots of drunk people, waves of Guns & Roses fans and many curious folk kept us on our toes in the main concourse but things quietened down when we moved to the platform.  I went back to the hotel around 1 as I have a lot to do tomorrow and Jonathan is back. 

Otherwise a day on zoom in the hotel room. Did some reading and writing, quite peaceful up here. 

Wet and warm in Glasgow.  I didn’t need a warmer coat for the night shoots but i should have brought an umbrella 

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