Valley Walks

As it’s my first day at this altitude, I stayed in the valleys for my first two walks. A longer one in the morning, up the Val dal Fain, which means ‘valley of hay’. It’s known for its abundance of Alpine flowers, and I took dozens of flower pics. I also took quite a few marmot photos, as they were all around me, but nowhere as numerous as the cattle grazing all over the place. 

Sadly my camera had switched to a different setting at some point, probably when I took it out of my bag, and many of my photos are blueish, out-of-focus blurs. I need to pay better attention to the camera settings from now on. 

The early pictures were still mostly okay, and I added some local wildlife in the extra collage. A weasel at the side of my path, a wheatear, the only useable marmot photo, and one of countless wild orchids.

When I came back from this walk, I took a train to Morteratsch and walked up that valley, too. Not all the way to where the glacier used to be until a few years ago, just to a place where I could sit next to the river and enjoy my picnic. That’s where I took the main blip (with my phone, so it’s not blurred).

I clocked up over 22.000 steps so far, not bad for a first day. And I’m planning to go out for another short walk tonight, to visit a local street food market. 

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