The Tor

At Glastonbury.  It's about a mile uphill from the centre of town, according to the signposts, but whatever the distance, the gradient is good for the heart (or it had better be!).  We're staying only a few miles from Wells, so we thought a visit to the Tor, the first for a long time, was in order.

It's a National Trust property, and the NT doesn’t approve of drones over the estate, but I flew mine from a nearby public road and stayed a decent distance from the Tor – many people consider it almost sacred, I believe.

The ridges must be the legacy of the agriculture that took place a long time ago, when Somerset was under water for some of the year and the Tor was one of the few places cultivable.  The path, up the left of the mound, is concreted now, as well as stepped where necessary, so many people climb it.

The Extra is a view up the tower that remains of the church on the Tor.

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