This little plant I saw in the Garden Centre yesterday. As I needed to renew my hanging baskets at the front of the bungalow, I thought I would try them. The instructions said it was a trailing plant. So it will be interesting to see how it transpires.
Though it has been overcast it has been a warm day 19/20%c , we managed to get 6 bags of garden waste to the “ dump” this morning , no problem help was on hand. “A” put another wood preserver on a panel he had repaired the shed with last week, then cleared one bit of the guttering & we had a bite & a cuppa for lunch.”A” left at 2 pm. I then renewed the baskets did some sweeping & watered the garden , all with difficulty ( aid of a stick & my walker) .By then it was 5.30pm after I got a meal ready a wash was then put on, thank goodness for washing machines.
Though there’s much more to do I think this evening will be spent sitting down.
Do hope Friday has been a good one for everyone.
P. S. A blipper ? (Sunflower) put up a blip of her Amaryllis who’s leaf was growing & hoped it would flower. Now mine, that I was about to throw out started to grow a leaf , which is now like Jacobs ladder ?? But NO. Sign of a flower, any clue ? will it flower?
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