...... just a paper bag! Well nothing of interest today ( much like days!!) So it needed to be very different, what can be more different than a paper bag? At least it can be recycled.
Completed day! !
# Hairdressers, just leaving when stylist on maternity leave arrived with her week old baby boy. A beautiful baby.
# Shopping & P. O. for a withdrawal needed after being cleared out of cash yesterday.
# Home, had a bite of lunch
# Ironing , now all done but needs putting away !
# Vacuuming , seems crumbs & bits just appear from nowhere??
# Rang my niece in Wales ( put the world to rights? If only?) Had a catch-up chat, it also helped with my loneliness.
# Almost ready to get meal ( not hungry, but I suppose I should eat, as all my clothes are getting to big, as I can't hold a needle now adjustments are impossible)
Uninteresting TV tonight, guess I'll read.
Do hope you've all had a good Saturday, weather has been cooler here today, yet the sun is trying to shine now at 6pm.
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