
By Colstro

Brits on holiday

I don't claim this is a wonderfully composed photograph, but I had to choose it for today's blip because it illustrates a mind set that I simply don't understand and certainly don't share.

I love the coast; the constant sound of the sea, the endless entertainment watching the waves pounding on the rocks, strolling across vast sandy beaches (particularly in the early morning or late evening when they are largely deserted). But you will not see me sitting on the beach for hours on end simply sunbathing.

What really gets me is that these people, with their windbreaks, folding chairs, portable beach tents, towels, bags and all the other paraphernalia of beach holidays, choose to sit it the most odd places. In particular, when there are vast acres of beach available (as at Harlyn Bay, where this photograph was taken) choose to sit seemingly as close to someone else as they possibly can. They then position the windbreak between them and the wind (obviously) but, as the wind is usually blowing off the sea, that means that it hides any view of the sea. Indeed, most people seem unconcerned about the view, often sitting close to and facing the rubbish bins, the car park or the well trodden path to the public loos. If all they want is sun, they could surely find a more attractive location. To get any benefit from the seaside location (or to check that high tide isn't about to wash them away) they have to turn round and peer over the top of the windbreak! Then they often end up red and raw from over exposure to the sun (despite attempting to cover parts of their body with a towel).

Sorry, I don't get it. Apologies to all those blippers for whom this is the ideal holiday.

Back-blipped this entry, because by early afternoon we were heading homewards, and by the time we arrived home, unpacked, had something to eat, etc, it was too late to boot up the computer.

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