Was due to meet Neil in Newcastle at 12 noon to go for lunch but he messaged to ask if we could meet at the Metrocentre instead.  Its nearer and he can walk there instead of getting a bus to Newcastle.  Luna isn't well ( sickness/diarrhoea/off her food ) so he didn't want to leave her for too long.

So we met at the Metrocentre and went to Pizza Express at 12 noon.  We both had salad - Neil chose Chicken Caesar and I had Nicoise Salad.( see Extra )   And we shared some ( free ) dough balls.  Had a nice catch up. 

Neil headed straight off home.  I mooched about for a bit trying to find a quiet spot.  I was due a phone call from my doctor about the X Rays I had last Saturday.  He was supposed to call around 2pm. So I found a quiet place to wait for the call - in a corridor which leads out of the Centre to the car park.  It was quite busy with people passing by but at least there wasn't any loud music which seemed to be playing everywhere else I had tried.

So I waited for the call.  And waited.   At 2.30pm I called the health centre to ask when I could expect a call.  The receptionist said that " I was on the list ".  So I waited some more. 

I was reluctant to move off into the malls and do some shopping as it was noisy but I got so bored just waiting and decided just to have a wander and try and keep to quieter locations.  Looked around Next but wasn't in there long as the music was loud.  Then a quick trip to Poundland. Still no call.  Last stop - Marks and Spencers.

At 4.25pm the phone finally rang.  I managed to get into a quiet corner ( beside the toilet rolls ) and had a chat with the doctor.  He had quite a lot of info to pass on.  The X rays showed a lot of wear and tear in my neck and spine.  AND 2 compression fractures in my spine in the middle.  These could be recent or long-standing.  And as I suffer from scoliosis ( spinal curvature ) this has resulted in loss of height - and pain.  The doc said I need to see the Osteoporosis team who would probably recommend a bone density scan.  I just need to wait for an appointment.  AND due to the hip X Ray not being done as requested last time I have to phone up and book a slot for that.

AND Ive got an appointment in August to see a cardiologist - re possible angina.

When I had finished the call I had to quickly write down all of the above in case I forgot, Hopefully I've remembered all the important bits.

The day started off dull and dry, then we had drizzle and then heavy rain.  Its still raining this evening.  Popped into the back garden around 7pm to get my blip shot. Ive already blipped one of my yellow lilies but some of the orange ones have opened this week.  Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

Steps today - 10,216

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