For a Silly Saturday blip which might have amused Admirer Ive chosen a pack of " Whine Gums".  Doggy treats.  I bought a couple of packs for Luna.  Shes already had one pack - just two or three  gums every time Ive visited over the last few weeks.  She loves them.  Unlike other dog treats/snacks Whine Gums are chewy and its funny to watch Luna chewing these gums.  They last longer than the usual treats which are gone in seconds. Well done to whoever came up with the fun name.  Thanks to davidc for hosting Silly Saturday today.

Neil advises that Luna is feeling a bit better today.  Neil is working from home all weekend and as Rachael has gone to London to see Take That the dog walker has been booked to keep Luna company for a while.
The weather was dry today but very windy. I found quite a few of my garden pots had blown over.   I had a wander to the Co-op this afternoon.  Didn't want much but I like to go to the Co-op once a week to take my plastic bags for recycling and redeem the offers on my Co -op card.  One of this weeks offers was 50p off Tino's favourite food.  An offer not to be ignored.

When I got home I sat down for a while watching TV and enjoying a cappuccino..  Ive got back into the habit of using my Dolce Gusto coffee machine and have stocked up with some pods.

Later on I sorted out some clothes and books to go into a charity bag. 

Steps today - 8,373

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