Amser i ymlacio

Amser i ymlacio ~ Time to relax

“Do there exist many worlds, or is there but a single world? This is one of the most noble and exalted questions in the study of Nature.”
― Albertus Magnus

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Mae e wedi bod mis prysur - y rhan fwyaf o'r misoedd yn brysur a dweud y gwir. Ond heddiw doedden ni ddim yn gweithio yn galed. Aeth Nor'dzin i gyfarfod o Sefydliad y Merched i siarad am blog newydd roedd hi wedi creu ar eu cyfer. Yna cwrddon ni yn y pentref i gael paned a chacen. Yn hwyrach gwnes i dorth o fara - ond y dyddiadau hyn mae bron yn gwneud ei hun.

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It's been a busy month - most months are busy to be honest. But today we didn't work hard. Nor'dzin went to a meeting of the Women's Institute to talk about a new blog she had created for them. Then we met in the village for tea and cake. Later I made a loaf of bread - but these days it almost makes itself.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Blodyn
Description (English): Flower

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