Enjoying the sunshine

That's what I would have been doing had I not been working...

Nice and sunny day, but working all day. Apparently, there was a bit of rain, but I didn't see it because I was indoors.

I had a great time with my friends last night and it was good to see them because I hadn't seen them for ages! We went for a couple of drinks on the Shore and then to an Italian restaurant for a meal. We had a great chat and a good laugh. I had to go home early though because I was working today and I didn't want to feel too tired. It makes it harder...

Work was busy, but not as busy as other Saturdays. Maybe it was because the sun was shining!

Not planning to do anything this evening. Back to work tomorrow!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my blip yesterday. It's not the type of subject I usually take photos of, but sometimes I enjoy a bit of a change! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! :)

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