
By Houseonahill6

The Plested brothers

The baby woodpecker made an appearance just before we left to catch the bus to Inverness.
We had a breakfast roll in Charlie’s and then caught the bus to the airport. Managed to get online to see Dalscone with their donkeys ,Zara and baby Willow, take part in the Highland show. They got an amazing 2nd place , well done to all involved and amazing achievement seeing as Zara was very shy to start with and only a few months ago had started taking treats from Farmer Pete’s hand.
The flight was slightly delayed as the BA flight next to us had problems and did not take off. Arrived in Luton and then a bus to collect the hire car. This always takes ages but eventually we were on our way to Mike’s Mum and Dads . Huge queues going on to the A41 so we carried on to Edgeware and came off there.
Got there at around 3 so had a few hours catching up.
Next stop was Debbie and Colin’s. Watched some of Glastonbury before walking down to the Indian. A very tasty meal. We got three different meals between the three of us.
We went back to Debbie’s afterwards and sat outside. Luckily it’s not as hot as I feared.
We dropped David at his B&B and then found ours near Garson, It was in a log cabin at the end of someone’s garden. Two rooms with a shared bathroom. It was hot in the room but there was a fan which did cool things down.

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