"Heare and Obay"!

These are some of the words written around the top of this beautiful church bell.  I was singing in my 'other' choir today at All Saints Church in Turkdean where these bells were blessed by the vicar during the service.  They were taken down from the belfry in March as they were cracked and have now been repaired and will be rehung tomorrow.  You may be able to make out the date 1641on the bell which is when they were made so they are pretty old!  There is one extra smaller bell, not in the photo,  called the sanctus bell which was rung at the point during the service when the priest was about to give communion to the congregation.  Apparently it was supposed to be heard both inside the church and outside in the village where all the workers in the fields would stop what they were doing at that moment and kneel down to pray. How times have changed!

I've added an extra of a visitor we had yesterday by our bird feeders.  I know they can be a nuisance but they are also very cute!

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