Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn

Since being on the hunt for a new abode I have fallen down a rabbit hole of tiny home videos. This building has fascinated me since I arrived. I think it might have originally been a public toilet. It might have been a cafe but has been empty since I arrived. It looks like there may be some work going on in the inside. 

Started with bretzels from the south German bakery. I had a mountain of homework and some work reading to do. Followed this with some light beurocracy and train ticket booking.  Had a quick wander when the chores were done. While thinking not walnut but hazelnut, I got it the wrong way round. Not awful but haselnut is better. 

Treated ourselves to the cinema at night to see the new Indiana Jones. No spoilers but it had a misplaced sentimentality. If you're expecting eye ball soup and stunts this might not be the right film. It is curious to watch the films now. I notice the awful female roles, the colonialist attitudes towards artifacts and the nationality of the baddies. Despite these major flaws I can appreciate the sillyness of the series. 

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