
By Ferjen

Swan Lakes

I went for two lovely walks today!  First was with a friend Vicky for a coffee around Horseshoe lake, lovely chat all the way round along with her two little Yorkies.  Then I took my sisters dog for a walk around Swan Lake where this photo was taken.  I would have taken Albie on the first walk but my friends Yorkies can be picky about which dogs they like.

I then came home, got lunch and faffed about a bit.  Had a call from work, sorted that out and then had my mindfulness zoom session.  Neil did a guided body scan, so relaxing I nearly fell asleep!

A friends husband is starting chemo next week so I left a box of chemo essentials on their door step.

That's about all for today.  Just getting bags and everything ready for tomorrow now and will try to get an early night.  Feeling anxious but looking forward to getting it over and done with. 

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