
By Ferjen

Cycle 8

I had an anxious and emotional day today for a few reasons but my bloods were OK for treatment and so the good news is cycle 8 is done.  That's the final cycle!!

I needed to direct my mind away from worries but had no concentration for books or sewing so I decided to write a list of things to look forward to after chemo.  So here it is (in no particular order)

• Centerparcs
• Getting another dog one day
• Watching the girls do their mud run
• Runny eggs
• Coffees at gymnastics
• Family bike rides
• Having my friend over
• Taking off the mask
• Running / cardio
• Swimming in the lake
• Swimming in the sea
• Camembert
• Paddleboarding
• Restaurants
• Family gatherings
• Camping
• Going on a diet and losing the extra kgs (after the camembert)
• Going back to the office
• Popping to the shops in my lunch break
• Afternoon tea with friends
• Fireworks
• Planning the girls birthdays
• Christmas shopping
• Christmas!
• Going to the theatre
• Planning a holiday for next year
• School assemblies
• Going to the cinema
• Bowling
• Taking the girls swimming
• Doing some PTA stuff
• Dying my hair
• Maybe getting some fluttery eyelashes!
• Helping on school trips
• Gardening
• Going out for breakfast
• Doing the shine walk again
• More sewing
• More walking
• Having the portacath removed

I'm just sitting in the ward now having my Immunotherapy and then I will be going home and straight to bed as today has been an exhausting day.

The photo is of the pharmacy reception area which I thought was interesting.

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