Precious Metal

I decided to walk into town to take photos of another heart from this year's art trail in Lincoln. This one is called Precious Metal and is at the Brayford. That was this morning.

This afternoon I went to visit my Dad at the hospital. He was very unhappy and stressed out as they have said that he will be sent home tomorrow. He feels he won't cope, even though they have arranged a care team again. We didn't find the last lot particularly helpful, but it's a different company this time.

I must admit I don't think he is really ready either. Once again he has lost mobility and he is still not fully able to use his (dominant) right hand.

I had a word with the staff before leaving and they are going to review the decision in the morning and maybe consider other options, like a respite bed for a couple of weeks again. 

We will see what tomorrow brings...

Once I was home it was straight back out to Morrisons for the biggest weekly shop we have had for a while, mostly because we stocked up on gin and beer!

I'm hungry so I'll get this posted and go eat the Morrisons salad I chose for tea.

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