River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: Apples and Pears

Woke up to heavy rain and it felt quite chilly.
Got ourselves organised - I filled my flask with boiling water because the electricity was going to be off from 9am to 4pm. MrD has his mini gas ring for boiling water too.

My morning job was to sort out some more of the “jewellery stock” which I had when I did Table Top Sales in aid of Beaumaris Lifeboat - I’m taking another load of jewellery, books, antique jars and magazines to the craft shop when I go to the dentist again next week.

My cucumber and tomato plants are ready for potting on, I went to check on my garden compost bins - another one is ready for use, MrD bought me some commercial compost (from Lidl) to mix with our homemade.

I picked a couple of pea pods - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3116463118587268006 - the rain and sunshine has brought them on a treat, the little sample tasted delicious :-))

The electric was off because they were upgrading our line to supply the new build houses … they must have worked very quickly despite the rain because our electric was back at 2:50pm.

The apples are Bardsey eating apple, the pear is Conference (I think) and the little wild orchid just looks so gorgeous …

Late afternoon Mrs Blackbird came to inspect the compost and found & ate about a dozen earthworms, she was only a few feet away from me, I kept very still and enjoyed watching her :-)

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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