Is there a time to run for cover
Today's photo comes courtesy of Boy who is currenty in Mostar, Bosnia.
This is the bridge, Stari Most (Old Bridge) or Mostar Bridge
Famed for being blown up by the Croations in 1993, the rebuilt version opened in 2004.
Hungarian Army Engineers worked the first part - recovering parts from the river to aid reconstruction. The second part was completed by Turkish Engineers in the Ottoman style.
The bridge is famed for diving competitions.
Boy has been "contemplating" trying a jump. Most of my messages to him over the last three days have been "DO NOT!".
I do not know how to be more clear. Practise makes perfect, but jumping from a bridge that high, without consistent training and weeks of practise - he mustn't do it.
One of their tour guides also works at a hospital. He told them, that he has seen many injuries from tourists trying the jump. Fractured feet, legs, hips, brain injury and death.
I'm glad he's only in this part of Bosnia and Hertisgovia for the Weekend.
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