......daddy's girl...........

Charlotte and her parents back for another BBQ.....guess who gets fed first?

Don't you just hate it when something throws all your plans out of synch? You just never seem to catch up.

Out for bait this morning....on the car park noticed that I had a flat tyre...passenger rear. No spare wheel in my motor....just a repair kit.....a pressure pump and a bottle of liquid latex. Shaun helped and we sorted it......reinflated the tyre..........and there was the offending item....a nail....right in the middle of the tyre.

Now the repaired tyre is good for life.......but speed is limited to 50 mph.....so got home....offloaded bait and beer and bread for the BBQ. Should have been going for the meat......but had to head to the tyre centre. Tyre repaired properly.....only £10...but seemed to spend the rest of the day playing catch up...everything got done...but it all seemed rushed and I felt pressurised.

We finished yesterday's item....a pond cover.

Still.....tomorrow will be more relaxing.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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