It’s not there!

Alice is enjoying spotting birds with her grandad. They went on a walk yesterday evening and found quite a few and then, when they returned to the garden, she was entranced, watching through grandad’s binoculars, as a Song Thrush at the top of a very tall tree sang and sang and sang. She has been introduced to ‘Merlin’ and loves using it.

Today she was delighted to find a House Martin’s nest with little ones flying in and out. They were supposed to be helping to find a geo cache around the Memorial Shelter in Brampton . . we failed again, even with her help!

We spent time today around Brampton, where her family lived until she was six when they moved to Kent. We found each of the houses they lived in, the school she went to and lots more, so she was able to put together bits of memory from that time. We had lunch at Lanercost, as we often did when I collected her from Nursery or School.

When we got back, Alice and her grandad went swimming and later we went into Appleby for a meal at the ‘Ashiana’ - excellent.

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