
By Houseonahill6

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A much nicer day so spent the morning outside .plenty of birds around too including at least 5 young bluetits, a wren and one of the baby robins who is getting his adult feathers through.
Off to Inverness late morning spotting at B&Q to collect some more step stringers. We’ve decided to widen the steps going down to the garage. On to The Three Little bakers to get some bread and rolls .
I had an appointment with my Rheumatoid Consultant.I was abit early but went in anyway. It was really quiet. A lovely lady helped me , taking my details etc. she said Wednesday is Audit day so that was why it was quiet.
Saw the consultant straight away. My knees are still painful due to degeneration and will need a knee replacement in the future, not quite yet. I can have steroid injections into both which I know helps a lot. I can also start reducing the steroid tablets by 1mg a week rather than 1mg a month. Still having trouble getting the 1 mg tablets though so will have to chase it up again.
Went down to Dores afterwards for a wander next to Loch Ness. Shared a Loch Ness Icecream, Which went down a treat. Saw these adorable ducklings with their mum , think it was their first outing out.
Went to Holm Mills shopping village to see if they had any suitable shoes for me. I like Pavers and managed to get a pair of trainer like shoes and some boots reduced to £24.
We picked up David after work as he was needed to work in Inverness for the next two days, He came back to ours. Started watching Jack Ryan.

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