
By Houseonahill6

Look at me Mum

David had to be in Inverness for 7am so it was an early start. A rainy journey in but it was quiet and cool.
After dropping off David we went to see the ducks and swans at the Uni. They were still asleep , lined up. along the steps with the swans asleep on the water. Six cygnets looking very healthy and this one was stretching his little wings.
The weather improved during the day so I managed to plant up some more pots. I was surprised how dry the hanging baskets were even after the rain so gave them a good water.
The sea was flat calm , several tall ships sailed past ,always nice to see.
Picked David up at just gone 4. He had a busy day.
Mike was also busy filling in forms to get a quote for the Air sourced heat pump. They need so many details, room sizes, how many radiators etc. seems like they no longer come out to do a survey since Covid so the customer has to do it themselves. It’s taken him all day so far !

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