River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Leaf Cutter Bees

My garden is endlessly fascinating … as I did my usual walk to the greenhouse this morning my eye was caught by … some damaged leaves - evidence of Leaf Cutter Bees. I showed MrD and he remembered watching an item on these fascinating creatures on “Countryfile” recently :-))


These particular leaves are on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cercis_siliquastrum - I’ve had this little tree for a very long time and like most of the plants in the garden it suffers from neglect :-( … but I will re-pot it in the hope that it might flower next year …

After breakfast MrD made some sandwiches and went off on his motorbike.

I had a load of washing to put out then I sieved some of the compost MrD had brought for me and mixed it with some homemade compost. Potted on an assortment of tomatoes: San Marzano 2, Raspberry Oxheart, Sungold, Gardeners Delight and Costoluto di Parma.

Magpie Moth was very considerate in resting on the greenhouse glass - I can see/capture the underside too :-))

Rain arrived at 2pm - I was so glad I’d brought the washing in when I finished gardening!

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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