FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Be Prepared

Is that the mottot of the Guides or Scouts? I was never in either so I don't know. The Girls Brigade (or the Guildery / Greenwood as it was called back in the day!) didn't have such mottos or if they did I don't remember them.

This blip is all about being prepared. Now that we have a wee person in the family I have had to find space in the house for some more unusual items of paraphanalia. My cupboards haven't seen such things for over 20 years and to be honest, although there's only two of us in the house, finding space is none too easy.

It has just occured that we still live in a house with enough 'stuff' for 5 people and there's only been the two of us for the last 7 years. A good clear out or a downsize may be in order but that's something I'll give consideration to another day - the sun is shining and the garden is calling.

Ruaridh is coming with his mummy and daddy on Thursday for a couple of nights - I can't wait.

Now, where will I put that travel cot?

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