
By KCNQ2Haiku

Things Leo has collected today

A croc and a ball
and that is just for starters!
He's a collector!

Reasonably quiet day, I took Ben to school, drove home and just as the tyres hit the drive, I got a call to retrace my steps as his Dexcom continuous glucose monitor had failed and I needed to apply a new one.  Sigh.  So I went back.  Did a petrol run (exciting).  Some ironing (riveting).  And then some emails.  I had sent an email yesterday to the clerk of governors about inserting something into the end of term parent newsletter and she replied today, I was happy that all was good until I glanced down the email at my message from yesterday in which it turned out, that rather than ask if an item could be 'popped' in... I had asked if it could be 'POOPED' in.  Gah.  Mortifying!  
Mr KCNQ2Haiku and I went out for some lovely lunch, we were able to sit in the sunshine and take our time, luxurious!
I fetched Ben from school, did a bit of hoovering and tidying and now it's Friday night!  Consider yourselves up to date!

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