The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Fiddler on the Roof

Back to the boatyard to tackle the disconnected CCTV - there’s supposed to be a reset button somewhere so up the ladder I went. In the event, I stumbled over the solution - I’d inadvertently inserted a a hyphen into the network name, hadn’t I, so by the time I was up there, it was up working again. Selfie time. 
A glorious warm day, so we sat out awhile before picking minky up from the nursery and whistling her back to ours for an overnighter. Lovely to have her, in all truth. Not every Friday, I should make clear, just in case the daughter reads this. 
Later we finished Guilt, Season Three. That was a right load of old bollocks. Every cliche in the book written right in there. Ooo, this Leith son, oh aye. It’s different here, oh aye. Naw, it’s not. 

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