The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Holiday News

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Eldest Mini Princess and I were out for a walk with Mary Doll, who asked about the Mini Princesses break in Amsterdam.

MD: “Did you go to any of the museums?”

EMP: “We went to the Museum of Prostitution.”

So I think you can imagine how this conversation went! After the initial outrage, Mary Doll became both more curious and more outraged. EMP explained that the sex worker being interviewed on the audio guide liked her job - it’s well paid, she chooses her hours and she can afford a nice place to live.

Mary Doll contemplated this…

“I suppose you’d have to get used to a lot of different willies.

A sage observation!

EMP: “People pay for for other things.”

Me: “Yep - it’s not just the old missionary!”

MD: “What’s missionary?”

By which point, I was crying!

Thankfully for EMP, Murphy has to have shorter walks so the conversation couldn’t last too long!


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