Red soldier beetle on yarrow

It was a very warm, humid and oppressive Saturday, heavily overcast until around teatime, when the cloud lifted to give something close to sunshine for a short while and I went out to photograph some more weeds/wild flowers in the garden. The yarrow is very pretty just now, and the bright beetle was a bonus, though I also liked the poppies in the extra. They have sprung up outside our dining room window, in ground which was disturbed in the winter when P cleared overgrown shrubs so that the new window could be fitted (and we could see the view again!). I should clear them before they seed, but they are so pretty and delicate against the white wall that I've reprieved them for a little longer. I've waged war on goose grass and dock in that area, and am trying not to let it get out of hand before we manage to organise the planned patio.

Before taking the camera out, I netted the patch of cavallo nero P had just planted out. I wouldn't trust the voracious pigeons not to devour half of it before morning. I spent the rest of the day in the house, cleaning and supporting J; we downloaded and started to explore Krita, which is digital art and animation software. It will take time to familiarise ourselves even with the basics, but it should have a lot of potential and be fun to play with. The high point of the day, though, was probably our cream tea - P's sweet scones, served with our strawberries and a dollop of extra thick double cream. 

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