Sunday: Monkey Sanctuary

Apart from a lingering cough and a little tiredness I am tickety-boo so time to resume outings and excursions.  We decided to try the Community Baboon Sanctuary, up in Bermudian Landing, an hour or so north of us.

The drive there was interesting as a good part of it was new to us.  It’s a small little place and when we arrived there was only a local artist sat outside tending his stall.  He had to call the guide, Dylan, who was at home, minding his son, but he got there soon enough. He took us for a walk through the sanctuary where we saw a family of four monkeys in really close proximity.  This was the dad of the family (no mistaking that he’s definitely male…..).

The term ‘baboon’ sanctuary is actually misleading.  They’re howler monkeys but in creole they’re called ‘baboons.

I’ve added an extra of a pretty nifty bridge.

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