Living my dream

By Mima

Be upstanding…

…for possibly the best banner I’ve noticed in Oamaru recently.

I was in town on a wee mission, and was having a coffee with A when we noticed the sign outside the pharmacy. 

I got into the garden today, having suddenly found a bit more energy. Post-viral fatigue is taking a while to wear off, but it felt good to do some clearing and weeding for a while this afternoon. I feel fine now, so I clearly didn’t overdo it. Hooray!

Bean has a terrible habit of snapping her mouth at flies, wasps and bees. The inevitable happened at lunchtime when she took exception to a wasp buzzing near her nose. She caught it.

Oh dear…poor Bean. After a lot of shocked Bean-head-shaking the wasp shot out of her mouth and landed on the floor, where I enthusiastically whacked it dead. 

Meanwhile Bean developed an impressive swelling on her lower lip where it had stung her. Some serious TLC was required, after which she forgot all about it and carried on as if she didn’t have something to size of a tennis ball on the side of her mouth.

The extra shows Poor Bean looking hang-dog and the start of the swelling. 

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