New book

A new book to me, a new writer to me. I only became aware of this young author after learning of his death day before yesterday - at age 33. I could not let it pass but had to look him up. This young man had written three collections of poems and four novels, and I didn't know of him. I searched the latest novel which was fortunately available as e-book, read the first pages and was entranced. I downloaded it right away, started reading, and have not put it down. I am happy to know that it has 1116 pages. :-)
Masterful language, fantastic images. His writing is maybe called stream of consciousness, the style that was pioneered by Dorothy Richardson and Virginia Woolf (my favourite author), but they are clumsy (my opinion only!) compared to this youg master. Read yourself!

Miki Liukkonen (1989-2023). Elämä: Esipuhe. 2021. WSOY.

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