
By PaulaJ

That place again

We have friends staying in a delightful cottage in Church Brough, near Kirkby Stephen. Today they came over to us, we took them for lunch at Larch Cottage Nurseries and then, after a wander round the gardens, we went to see their place.

Lovely lunch sitting on the balcony in the sunshine, looking out onto the lush growth in this wonderful place which many people will recognise - we go often enough.

Of course I am mainly oblivious to the plants, although it always makes a difference being with someone who knows one plant from another! I did recognise one plant - see extra - because of this
I was amazed by the number of bees and bee-like insects that were crowding the flowers.

A day that was supposed to be showery turned out to be a lovely, sunny and dry day. Now Gordon is in Gretna watching Carlisle, in their new ‘promoted’ position, playing a pre-season friendly - I think that’s what it is anyway. It’s a football match is probably all I can say for certain.

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