Lilias Day

We went to Kilbarchan to watch the Lilias Day parade going past Uncle M and Auntie L's house this afternoon. Of course Paddington from nursery had to come with us too.

Kerr loved watching the parade and trying to catch sweeties thrown to us from the passing floats.

We then went to visit Granny and Grandad. Mack had a lovely time sitting next to cousin R on the sofa. Lots of very cute photos of the pair of them were taken. She is only 4 weeks older than him. It will be great to see them grow up together.

Kerr and cousin L went for a walk with their Daddies and Fudge. Unfortunately Kerr fell over and got a nasty bump on the head and a grazed knee. Thankfully he was fine after being cleaned up and given an ice lolly.

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