Daddy's birthday

It is Kerr and Mack's Daddy's birthday today.

The weather was warm and sunny so we made the most of it and headed out for the day. We had a long play and explore at Craignethan Castle. Mack sat with me and had his milk while Kerr and Daddy had light saber battles on the grassy area in front of the castle. Fudge tried to join in too.

We then went to the Old Mill Inn in Coulter for a delicious late lunch / early dinner. The weather was so nice that we ate outside in the beer garden.

Home via Gran and Grandpa's house for an ice cream cone and to show them Paddington Bear (who is actually a dog!).

Back home we had birthday cake, candles and sang Happy Birthday to Daddy.

Very exciting also that Mack had his first taste of something other than milk. He tried some baby rice and was not very impressed. Most of it came back out of his mouth again. I'm not really surprised, it doesn't look or smell very appetising.

Hopefully he will enjoy all the other tastes and textures of yummy foods in the coming months.

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