Immersive Learning

Spent the late afternoon piloting the above with IESE Business School, Barcelona. This was the room with some moving/evolving-shape mindfulness images displayed before we went rollercoaster riding, deep sea wreck diving and then to Mars where our exercise took place.

The tech company is a slow-burn start up and all their applications until now have been in health care settings to help with early dementia and also patients in need of physio…so, for example, the roller coaster involves viewers stretching left and right with arms in the air as they run the spectacular course over again. Another puts care home residents bang into the heart of the famous Boqueria market and asks them to remember stall-holder names and to calculate the cost of buying two kilos of x and one kilo of y. All very effective!

Their single machine can take over a room and project the all-surrounding images and sound from a single source, in a way that larger events need a full and very expensive multi-projector set up as in sports arena for big music concerts . So, a democratisation of these big event effects to bring the experience into much more modest settings.

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