Parked in the corner

I had a message at about eight from S to say that R a little bit better this morning having had a reasonable night.

I went to knit and natter as planned and had a good session. Two new ladies with lots of knowledge and happy to share. One of the ladies had attended the horse racing last night and said that it was most enjoyable and that she didn’t get too wet.

A purchase from the fish stall in town wasn’t such a cheerful experience. The bloke was grumpy, the tuna was more expensive than I’m used to paying and we have yet to eat it to give an opinion on taste.

I called in to see R this afternoon. She looks very tired, but has reduced her workload for the rest of the week, she needs time to recover. We both now think that the open water swim was where she picked up the bug. We had a chat and made plans for the weekend.

I didn’t take any pictures today, too busy, too distracted, but Amber obliged unwillingly as she snuggled up in the corner of her bed.

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