Opening night

No.2 is in NYC where he has a few pieces in an exhibition.  He messaged to say a piece had been sold on the opening night and he met the collector.  Great news and so pleased for him.

My day started with BP then home via Tesco for more groceries and I stocked up with fruit.  My sister K was coming over to do No.1’s nails and a bit of pampering.  She texted to say A my nephew was at a loose end and was it ok if he came too.  What a lovely young lad - don’t get to see him often and family days are always hectic so it was good to see him in a small group.  We had Budha Bowls for lunch and enjoyed a walk around the garden.  OH did a river walk with A while the girls stayed home and chatted. No,1 was very fatigued by the end of the afternoon and slept a few hours before dinner,  hopefully it won’t mean she is awake during the night (unlike me typing this at 3.15am!!).  

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