Kid swap

Not a new Saturday morning quiz show. I look after the kids in the morning while Mrs B does some work on the house, the afternoon we swap. Simple!

This morning I made the kids go for walk through the village, through some fields, under some barbed wire, over a stone wall, under a bridge (in the water), up a hill, through a wood, through the mud, back in the cold stream (to wash off the mud). Then back to the ranch. We stopped briefly for a choc chip hobnob (today's official sponsor) and a drink. In between bites of those delicious, crumbly hobnobs, the children kept chanting quietly to themselves. I quote "I hate nature".

Their enthusiasm for the great outdoors did not improve when Master B fell over and graze his knee. Up on daddy's shoulders he went for the short sprint home. Followed slowly by his sister, who nominated herself, 'collector of all the sticks we've walked passed in the last two hours'!

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