
By KCNQ2Haiku

Playing with the door

Errands and cleaning.
Positive phone calls, lunch date..
Where does the time go? 

A generally good day.  Busy with jobs in the morning, shopping, pharmacy etc then cleaning and tidying.  Chased up Ben's new Omnipod insulin pump as he's due the new version (it's super swanky and should be great) and the training session is next Friday.  The customer service team said they hadn't even had the order from the hospital yet :-/ so that involved some chasing but I think it's sorted now.  Then the respite facility that we are hoping will be able to accommodate Ben rang me!  That must mean they are a bit further down their line of assessment of Ben and although they are nervous of the diabetes, it isn't a flat no yet.  I'm taking it as a Good Sign.  
Then on a whim Mr KCNQ2Haiku asked if I had time for lunch and I felt so pleased with the morning's progress that I thought it was a Jolly Good Idea :-D
So we had lunch, put the world to rights and then I took Leo for a teeny spin around a local field and fetched Ben.  He'd had a wobbly day apparently but he was calm in the car.  We had Mr KCNQ2Hiaku's mum here for tea so he enjoyed having a chat and a play but he does like his own space too.  The photo is him in his favourite spot, lying back, watching TV and swinging the door with his foot.  The door makes a really obnoxious noise when it bangs but it definitely calms him down.
He was grumpy at showertime/bedtime but he was able to tell me he thinks it is because he's tired, so it sort of makes it workable, even though it's hard work. Right, I've run out of time!  Happy Thursday all :-)

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