There were six!

In answer to yesterday’s question, there were six hats in the box… A long and somewhat frustrating day, as when I arrived at the House of Lords I was told we couldn’t take pictures and share publicly, as the House of Lords couldn’t be seen to endorse any business.  There had also been a miscommunication about table sizes, as we were expecting tables 3ft by 2ft ( rectangular) and got them 3ft high via 2 ft wide, so I had to cut down my display.
I was very pleasantly surprised to find myself on the cover of the British Library report which was published today, and also as a case study inside! 

See extras for a couple more pictures. The other milliner in the photo with me is someone I’ve known online since 2019, but not met in person until today.

It was a very odd day, not what I’d been expecting. It was a little bit rueing not going to Newmarket Ladies Day, especially as my Rock Choir friends ended up on national TV.

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