All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


It was another glorious day weather wise today. Love days like this!

I went out for a run this morning - run 1 of week 2 of C25k.

At lunchtime hubbie and I took Ethan into Edinburgh to see Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom at the Kings Theatre. It's his favourite tv show and he was very excited to be seeing it at the theatre. During it he kept shouting out "where is Nanny Plum", "When is Gaston coming on" etc etc. He was upset though that Queen Thistle didn't put in an appearance.

Then back in the car and over to Beith, as Ethan is staying at Granny and Grandpa's house for the next 2 nights.

Grandpa was at the community centre as it's the annual arts exhibition this week. Ethan has been before and enjoyed looking at the paintings (especially the ones with boats in them) and "helped" Grandpa count money taken during the day.

Lots of playtime out in Granny and Grandpas garden after dinner - he was especially pleased when one of their neighbours came out in her garden while he was playing football and gave him a bar of chocolate!

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