Well what a day I've had! I got the overnight bus to London on Saturday night because I got free tickets to a special performance by Muse at the Word War Z World Premiere. Muse provide the soundtrack for the film. In Matt Bellamy's words, end of the world and Muse kind of go together!!

I got into London at 7am, went to Buckingham Palace, Downing Street, Big Ben and took a trip on the London Eye. I then sat in St James Park with an ice cream.

My mum came to join me and we went to Pizza Express before heading to the Empire Cinema in Leicester Square. There we saw the black carpet and lots of celebs, including Muse and the gorgeous Brad Pitt with his lovely wife, Angelina. They looked very much in love on the way into the cinema. Sadly we didn't get to go to the Premiere so will have to wait until the 21 June like everyone else!

We headed down to Horse Guards Parade and waited for the Premiere to finish. Edith Bowman was DJing while we awaited Mr Pitt's party (apparently he arranged it all and is both Actor and Producer of the film).

Muse were fantastic. I know, I would think that as they're my all time favourite band, but they were truly great. As we'd got there so early, we were in the second row - I've never actually been able to see Matt sing close up before. EPIC. Favourite moment has to be the encore; Time is Running Out.

Brilliant brilliant day! I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday. We're now on the night bus back to Edinburgh, so I'm off for a kip!

(Ps yes I know the title is spelled's for the zombies geddit?!?)

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