Desperate Catholic Reverend
The Catholic Priest of Villa with much History and Uncertain Future, takes a walk by his Greater Seat worried about the lack of faithfuls in the mass of the six, and when verifying that they are not either there he fears the worse thing. One has left him lasts competition with the meetings of the municipal elections. (The rest of history is of difficult translation, because it is an internal subject of competition between miracles of Virgins,but I will try it ).
After years of unquestionable dominion of the "Virgin of the Portal" - Pattern of mentioned Villa and rest of the Region-with little results with respect to subject of the miracles, the faithfuls have chosen to venerate the "Virgin of the Lodairo" of an adjacent City council. She is last has obtained in few months which the one of the "Portal" nor of distant spot dreamed; to do a Great Miracle obtaining a rain of million, and all it in exchange for anything. And the worse thing of the subject does not finish there, but that the pleas of the "Virgin of the Lodairo" have been taken care of at the request of a Lay Mayor and of Lefts, after to have made the duties well.
Bad weather is approached for the catholic lyrical, when between the own "Virgins" they rob devotee, and the Lay Mayors become Spiritual Guides of souls eager to enjoy while still alive without hoping to the pleasures of beyond.
In Castrexo:
O Cura Párroco dunha Vila con moita Historia e Futuro Incerto, pasea pola súa Praza Maior preocupado pola falta de fieis na misa das seis, e ao comprobar que tampouco se atopan alí témese o peor.
Tras anos de dominio indiscutible da Virxe do Portal -Patroa da citada Vila e resto da Comarca- con escasos resultados no relativo a tema dos milagres, os fregueses optaron por venerar á Virxe do Lodairo dun Concello lindeiro, pois ésta última conseguiu en poucos meses o que a do "Portal" nin de lonxe soñou; facer un Gran Milagre conseguindo unha choiva de millóns, e todo iso a cambio de nadiña. E o peor do tema non acaba aí, senón que os rogos da Virxe do Lodairo foron atendidas a petición dun Alcalde Laico e de Esquerdas, tras facer ben os seus deberes.
Malos tempos avecíñanse para a lírica católica, cando entre as propias "Virxenes" róubanse devotos pouco agradecidos, e os Alcaldes Laicos convértense en Guías Espirituais de almas desexosas de gozar en vida sen esperar aos praceres do máis alá.
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