Today was the usual trip to the hairdressers then I went shopping, I wanted some fragrance which I knew I could get at Boots in Valley Park ( an out of town shopping area) However to my amazement the layout had changed ( not to the better in my mind!) & all the locked cabinet's that held the fragrances were empty, on ? This with an assistant I was told they were at the back of the store (in staff area) as they had a lot of stealing & breaking the cabinet's. Honestly , what is this country coming to, what has happened to HONESTY??
Then I was invited to share O's girl friends belated birthday (O forgot to tell us ??) A & K had cooked a lovely meal . I got home at about 7pm , completing a brilliant Saturday.
Do hope you've all had a good day too.
P. S. Yes I did get my fragrance, those that choose to steal only went for the expensive items??
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