Well we finally got to the "Old Bell Inn" in Oxted. What a journey, it should have taken us 20 minutes, with road closures and miss directed diversions we got there 1hour 10 minutes , late by 40minutes but we still managed to get our table. The meal was good though a bit on the cool side!
We then went to see my brother in law. So glad we got there, Roger had 2 allotments, full of energy, walked miles with a club weekly & loved fishing. All this came to an end several years ago when his wife became very ill & in & out of hospital. Sadly she died 5 years ago. Then Roger was diagnosed with leukaemia was in the middle of extensive treatment which wasn't completed due to the Pandemic. Then further disaster fell he had a leak which ment they ( his daughter & grandson) was put into a travel lodge in February 2022 for ? 3 months. The house was found to have asbestos in all the ceilings so as the flood affected the bathroom plus 2 bedrooms & gas / electrics & water were disconnected. Finally they got back home just a week before Christmas 2022. Between all this Roger had a stroke several falls then a diagnosis of Parkinsonism. & I think I've got problems?? I really feel for them all my niece divorced a few months after her mother died , & went to live with her father taking her son with her. Now a carer, working single mother & look after a very needy son. I'm so sad for them all, but never complain just get on with it. I really felt this story needed telling, these are the hidden carers who don't get recognition.
Do Hooe you've all had a great Sunday.
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