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It hasn't been a good day -- packing for our trip tomorrow, can't find things, forgetting to do things, and dealing with flight schedule changes on our September trip.

I'd promised to let Paris out for her second break and whatever else she needed to do this morning while her owners were away. Someone else was taking care of the early morning duty. I didn't bother to tell Siri to remind me, because Cynthia had written it on the kitchen calendar, which I seldom check. The outcome was that I was a few hours late letting Paris out, and she was really pleased to see me.

She's usually quite subdued, but she charged around like a young dog today. This photo was taken at 2000th of a second, and it wasn't fast enough to stop her, but I decided to blip it anyway. How often do you see a dog with three feet off the ground while running?

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